Caring for Rubber Texture Stamps


You’ll need to clean rubber texture stamps for the best jewelry-making results. World-renowned artist Lisa Pavelka has some tips on how to care for your stamps.


To remove stuck-on polymer clay, bake stamps at 230-275° F for 10-15 mins, cool then remove from oven.

It's important to clean stamps between uses to avoid contamination. Preparing your clay and stamp for use is another way to care for your texture stamps.

Stamp Prep:

Prepare your stamp for use by applying a thin coat of slikbaby metal clay conditioner and release to the surface to help release and prevent clay from sticking.

For a decorative element add a gentle dusting of mica powder to the surface of the stamp to act as a resist and add contrast to your design.


  • For simple or immediate cleaning, wipe down the stamp with a baby wipe, wet wipe or lint-free towel
  • For older or tougher cleaning, scrub the surface of the stamp with a stiff brush using dishwashing detergent
  • For ink stains, use a nontoxic solvent. (These can be found at your local hardware store.)
  • For embedded clay, bake according to manufacturer's instructions then flex the stamp to remove the hardened clay

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